ESG investments are key for our customers in the coming years. Here is a brief run down of the main players in the ESG ecosystem and how they fit into the overall picture:

Data Providers:

  • Sustainalytics: ESG research and data. The company history stretches back to ’92 and has some of the deepest experience in the industry. Our clients will use their data in their investing process.
  • MSCI ESG: One of the largest investment data and index providers in the world, a formidable and popular ESG offering with the backing of Morgan Stanley Capital International. Similar uses as Sustainalytics.
  • Refinitiv ESG: ESG research attached to a similarly huge industry player in Refinitiv.

Industry Associations

  • LUXFlag: The LUXEMBOURG FINANCE LABELLING AGENCY (LuxFLAG) is an independent and international non-profit association created in Luxembourg in July 2006 by seven public and private founding partners. The agency aims to promote the raising of capital for the Responsible Investment sector by awarding a recognisable label to eligible investment vehicles amongst others. The labels’ objective is to reassure investors that the applicant invests in the Responsible Investment sector. The applicant may be domiciled in any jurisdiction that is subject to a level of national supervision equivalent to that available in European Union countries.
  • FNG: Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG), founded in 2001, is the industry association promoting sustainable investment in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It has over 150 corporate members, including banks, investment management companies, insurance companies, rating agencies, investment companies, asset managers, financial advisers and NGOs, and around 30 individual members.
  • Eurosif: Eurosif is the leading pan-European sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) membership organisation whose mission is to promote sustainability through European financial markets.
  • Towards Sustainability: The Towards Sustainability Initiative wants to help all types of retail and institutional investors looking for more sustainable savings and investment solutions. Also, it wants to encourage financial institutions to offer a diverse and qualitative range of sustainable products.


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