The basic foundation for writing a great prospecting email


The first part of a well-written prospecting email is to describe a situation that your prospecting may be going through. Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Situations create problems
  2. Use recent announcements, strategy changes, launch of new funds, regulatory updates etc. as your starting point for a situation.
  3. Keep it simple


The Asset Manager acquires another company. 


New regulations require certain new disclosures on Factsheets


Rapid growth has put a strain on Development resources


Problems are a result of the situation. Ask yourself, “What problems does this situation cause my client.”

Using the examples above some of the problems that could be derived are:

S = The Asset manager acquires another company.

P = Having to consolidate two seperate digital fund buying experiences into one


S = New regulations require certain new disclosures on Factsheets

P = Need to address this new disclosure accross all of my documents quickly and accurately


S = Rapid growth has put a strain on development resources

P = Brand and site updates are taking a much longer time to implement

(3)rd Party Successes

Not too different than a typical success story. These successes are very specific to the Situation and Problem that we are attempting to solve for the prospect. A proof point that we have solved this problem for other folks, without the technical explanations as to how.

Building upon our examples:

S = The Asset manager acquires another company.

P = Having to consolidate two seperate digital fund buying experiences into one

3 = BMO used our platform after acquiring a european asset manager to integrate a complete FBX accross all of their funds in 4 months ultimately saving the company over $2mm and a TTM 20 months faster than competition proposed.


S = New regulations require certain new disclosures on Factsheets

P = Need to address this new disclosure accross all of my documents quickly and accurately

3 = 


S = Rapid growth has put a strain on development resources

P = Brand and site updates are taking a much longer time to implement

3 = Eaton Vance is in the constant itterative process of building more and more fund tools and expanding their product set to over 1400 investible entities. This puts a massive strain on their development resources. We were able to put the web development keys into the Marketers hands saving them #xmm in Dev resources which are able to be deployed to other high value projects


Key word is offer, not ask. Don’t seem desperate. If you did a good enough job describing SP3 than the O should be easily articulated as an offer to help someone who is in need vs a desperate plea to listen to what you have to say. So let’s play out the final stages of our examples:

S = The Asset manager acquires another company.

P = Having to consolidate two seperate digital fund buying experiences into one

3 = BMO used our platform after acquiring a european asset manager to integrate a complete FBX accross all of their funds in 4 months ultimately saving the company over $2mm and a TTM 20 months faster than competition proposed.

O = Would you like to spend 30 minutes to talk about some key strategies to consider when integrating digital technology stacks?


S = New regulations require certain new disclosures on Factsheets

P = Need to address this new disclosure accross all of my documents quickly and accurately

3 = 

O = I’m more than happy to walk you through how we solved this problem for Aberdeen Standard. If you’d like we can set up some time early next week to connect.


S = Rapid growth has put a strain on development resources

P = Brand and site updates are taking a much longer time to implement

3 = Eaton Vance is in the constant itterative process of building more and more fund tools and expanding their product set to over 1400 investible entities. This puts a massive strain on their development resources. We were able to put the web development keys into the Marketers hands saving them #xmm in Dev resources which are able to be deployed to other high value projects.

O = I’m sure you have a ton of priorities on your plate right now, but I’d be willing to spend some time later this week to help you identify some areas that could help you get to market sooner with your key intiatives.


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